How It Works
Your internal Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway promotes total body health and vitality by controlling oxygen free radicals and neutralizing toxins. Latarum® probiotic generates Nrf2 activator that supports Nrf2 function.
Everyone needs a functional Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway for good health. When used as directed, Latarum® generates Nrf2 activator that supports Nrf2 function to its full potential, allowing it to induce expression of more than 200 health-promoting genes (1). Once activated, Nrf2 works in every part of your body to:
1. Precisely control harmful free radicals
These highly reactive chemicals are by-products of our natural oxidative metabolism. But without control by Nrf2, free radicals damage nerves, joints, cartilage, muscle, skin, brain, eye, kidney, colon, and all other vital organs. They also damage cellular mitochondria which provide our bodies with energy. Nrf2 prevents free radical damage everywhere in the body for better health and increased energy (2, 3, 4).
A familiar example of the damaging effects of oxygen. Humans don't rust, but oxygen chemistry poses a serious threat to health and longevity. Your internal Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway evolved to protect you from the harmful effects of oxygen. See: Supporting Science.
2. Support healthy immunity
Free radicals are also natural by-products of immune responses. But uncontrolled free radicals negatively impact immune function, resulting in exaggerated and prolonged reactions that cause unnecessary tissue damage. By precisely controlling free radicals during immune responses, Nrf2 promotes healthier, more effective immunity (5).
3. Protect against environmental toxins
Our internal Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway can also protect us from a variety of common environmental toxins and pollutants.
The Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway also neutralizes the damaging effects of toxins. These include heavy metals like lead and arsenic and also modern pollutants such as pesticides, industrial chemicals, diesel exhaust, and tobacco smoke. Published research has shown that Nrf2 deficiency is associated with increased sensitivity to all of these harmful agents (6).
4. Promote total body health
Nrf2 is designed to protect every cell in the body. Without the protective power of Nrf2, cumulative long-term damage from uncontrolled free radicals and toxins can compromise the health of all organs and tissues. It can also adversely impact immune responses. The importance of Nrf2 for total body health has been strikingly demonstrated with mice engineered for Nrf2 deficiency. In addition to increased oxidative stress, increased sensitivity to toxins, and unhealthy immune responses, these Nrf2-deficient mice exhibit a wide variety of health disadvantages (3, 7), including:
Shortened lifespan
Reduced neurological health
Reduced lung, kidney, liver, and digestive health
Reduced vascular health
Reduced eye health
Loss of muscle with aging
Increased skin damage and aging caused by sunlight
Reduced cartilage, joint, and bone health
Revive the protective power of your Nrf2 with Latarum® – the "Nrf2 Probiotic" for better health, vitality, and quality of life. See: Healthy Longevity.
Unlike the Nrf2-deficient mouse, you fortunately have an intact Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway. But on the typical modern diet, Nrf2 lacks necessary activators and isn't functioning as it should. Latarum® probiotic naturally generates what's required to revive Nrf2's protective power.
With Latarum®, you can reactivate your Nrf2 to become healthier and feel better.*