Following standard nutritional guidelines won't prevent oxidative damage

Harmful free radicals (a.k.a. reactive oxygen species) are formed as a natural consequence of the body’s oxidative metabolism. Oxidative damage occurs when production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s ability to control them. It’s now well recognized that oxidative damage is a widespread health concern. In particular, it’s been linked to unhealthy aging and numerous degenerative disorders. A simple web search of oxidative damage and disease will provide a very long list of examples that include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, and inflammatory disorders.

Although it’s well understood that oxidative damage harms all vital tissues and organs – including the cardiovascular system and brain – the typical advice you’ll get for controlling oxidative damage is usually wrong and ineffective. Initially, it was hoped that anti-oxidant supplements would provide the solution, but they’ve failed to work because they can’t precisely and continuously prevent oxidative damage throughout the body. Details on why anti-oxidant supplements fail to work is explained in a previous blog. Other suggestions for preventing oxidative damage usually include: (1) eating a balanced, healthful diet rich in fruits and vegetables and (2) reducing consumption of processed foods. Both are good, but neither can prevent the unhealthy oxidative stress that leads to oxidative damage. To be sure, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods is richer in ant-oxidants, but such diets fail to prevent oxidative damage for the same reasons that anti-oxidant supplements fail to work.

A functioning Nrf2 cell defense pathway is the only solution for preventing oxidative damage. This cell defense pathway first evolved 500 million years ago in the earliest oxygen-breathing animals, and its persistence in all modern animals, including humans, is testimony to its critical importance. Nrf2 is designed to prevent oxidative damage continuously in every cell and organ of the body through a complex mechanism involving over 200 genes. But to prevent oxidative damage, Nrf2 requires dietary co-factors no longer found in our modern diets. Latarum® probiotic can fill this void and work with your diet to provide those necessary co-factors. With Latarum®, you can restore your Nrf2 cell defense pathway to its natural function and start preventing oxidative damage 24/7.*

 For links to published research on the Nrf2 cell defense pathway and how it continuously and precisely prevents oxidative damage, see: How it works and Supporting Science.

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Latarum® and Nrf2 Probiotics® are registered trademarks of Nrf2 Probiotics Inc.

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